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  • Writer's pictureNaomi Christian

Vegetation Maps fly Ahead with Drones

OK, we have to admit, our drone does look like a kid's toy. That said, it makes child's play out of aerial survey work...

We've been using our DJI Phantom 4 RPA (Remotely Piloted Aircraft) or "drone" for vegetation monitoring in Northern NSW and baseline assessment of offset receiving sites on Queensland's Gold Coast. Now we're taking it to Norfolk Island where we're working on the first ever island-wide vegetation maps. At just 1275g, it is easy to pack up for field sites.

We have two drone pilots, and another one in training. Any time we mention the drone work, enthusiasts seem to pop out of the woodwork. We can drone away about it for hours. Recently, we took on two work experience students who were in the air and stitching photos together on their third day. Yes... High. School. Work. Experience. See if you can spot our trainee pilot in the photo below...

When combined with some of the online software platforms for photo stitching, we can quickly produce high resolution, orthorectified photomosaics of large areas. What previously took us days in the field can now be achieved in just hours. We love thinking of new ways to save time and money by utilising the drone, so get in touch if you'd like mapping, photography, aerial tree inspections, baseline quantitative tree assessment, or any traditional ecological services.

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